CYA Insurance

Crew Benefits, Banking / Crew Placement

Captain and Crew Health Insurance
There’s no better way to ensure that crewmembers are happy and healthy – and loyal – than by implementing a plan of medical benefits that covers them wherever in the world they are, regardless of their nationality.

With a number of different plans to choose from, yacht crew can be covered on and off the ship anywhere in the world; and their coverage can be as flexible and as mobile as they are.

For information on plans, individual and group benefits and applications click here or contact CYA at

Captain and Crew Banking
If crewmembers need banking services, offshore bank accounts can be set up in a number of jurisdictions in a number of denominations into which wages can be direct deposited with funds accessed by a VISA or Mastercard debit card.

For more information click on banking matters contact us at

Captain and Crew Placement

Need a job? Have a job but looking for a new job? Captains and crew, click on this link and talk to the professionals at Crew Unlimited and let them help you get the most out of your yacht crewing experience.

Contact us

CYA / Comprehensive Yacht Assurance
757 SE 17th Street #625
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA 33316

Phone: 954.604.2888
Email: or